Sunday, September 17, 2006

the post where i preach like...a...preacher....?

i get really bent out of shape when i hear about people that i respect putting crummy stuff in their heads through such events as watching crummy movies, listening to crummy music, et al. (i know people have different definitions of good and bad, and i'm not getting into that now.)

to me, it is a big deal what people like to watch/listen to, and it says a lot about them because it is purely a choice. no one is forcing us to watch/hear much on a regular basis, especially if we also choose to keep copies of it in iTunes.

ok, in no way do i want to sound like a goody-goody or like "i make better choices than ALL of you." but generally i try pretty hard to not put crummy stuff into my head.

i really like Arrested Development, and while not being horrendous, it does have its share of dialogue and situations that i really wish weren't there. so generally, i've decided to mostly watch that on my own because it can get kind of awkward, i think.

i was just talking with a friend about this. (so if YOU are reading, this will all be familiar to you. :)) i think i said something to the effect of, my knee-jerk reaction when i hear about people watching a bad movie or something is to lose a bit of respect for that person. but then, i wonder if people think less of me for my decisions too...? it's sobering but i think something we could all ask ourselves without dying or becoming paralyzed. :)

i definitely don't think AD is the worst show in the world. in fact, it's quite tame compared to a lot of things. i like a lot about makes me laugh almost like none other. but i guess, even if i take away that awkwardness factor and watch it alone, how much do i still, clearly, value that laughing? do i really think it's worth the crap i have to have in my brain after i watch it? long after i'm done laughing and done reciting one-liners with friends, i still remember the parts and the lines i don't want to remember. so why is that so valuable? why is the temporary entertainment better to me than a pure mind? and how come the "dwell on things that are pure, lovely and good" thing never really comes to mind when i'm picking out a movie or watching tv or listening to music? and how come the bad things are the ones that'll stick with you the longest? how come that's what we'll all end up dwelling on after all??

sure, you might say, but you hear all of that, and more, every work, at school, etc. it's true. but i don't have a choice there. it's a matter of what i'm choosing to hear or watch. that's why it's so telling about my character. do i choose to overhear other people saying stuff i don't want to hear? no. but do i choose what i am watching and listening to? yes, in almost every case.

part of it, sure, is the coolness factor. AD is cool and a little indie and all that, whatever. it's always fun to make it a social have fun tv parties and laugh together about the show. and it's also NOT fun to say "let's not watch this" or whatever.

ok, i just reread this and i sound nagging, annoying, judgmental, goody two shoes, holier than thou. (take your pick, i've got more.) and also probably pretty stupid because i picked a fairly tame show as my example of what i should maybe stop watching. so even though i could keep going, i'm going to stop. i really don't want to sound like "i am making all the right choices and you should too." well, i mean, you should, but that is your decision. ok, well, i'm sounding like that again. anyways, please don't get mad because these are just some very initial thoughts skimming over this issue.


At Monday, September 18, 2006 3:26:00 PM, Blogger Justin sayeth thus:

I liked what you said about what we choose to watch and listen to shows so much about our character. It is so true. Every choice we make, in my opinion, is a direct reflection of our character. Also, I don't think people think about what they are watching or listening to enough. If we really examined what we are subjecting ourselves to, and determined within ourselves whether it is something worth watching/listening to, I think that our movies/tv shows/music would change drastically. So, good thoughts, and you've definitely got me thinking.


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