Friday, September 09, 2005

Roses & Fountains

Today...was a good day. This week has been good to me overall, with only a few minor hiccups, so nothing much to complain about. Here's my Main Hiccup of the Week: this guy (who works down the hall) giving me an otherwise lovely rose to have at my desk. What a sicko, he's at least a decade older than me! But, it was a nice flower, and it smelled good, so I kept it. But I had to look at it for seven hours a day, several days in a row...just wondering when he'll pop his soon-to-be graying head into the office and propose (or something else just as hideous).

What is it with flowers, anyways? I admit, I'm a sucker for the things. They're pretty, and most of them smell pretty too. So there's nothing not to like, right? But what annoyed me about this whole thing, apart from the scandalous age difference, is that I'd already turned him down. Ta-wice. And he thinks bringing me one flower is going to change my mind?! I guess to be fair he gets points for persistence. But how dumb do I look??

Enough of old men and their stupid roses! *shudders* Like I said, the week was good to me. I had a job interview in another senator's office, and while I don't have a lot of warm fuzzies about the way it went, my overall job security just went to 100% because my boss in my current office has offered to hire me full time, for good (if I don't get this other position). Yay!

Tonight I went to the fountains at the Union and saw a concert...well, three songs of a concert, anyways. It had something to do with Elvis; that's all I remember. Rashelle and I had a good time taking pictures of ourselves though, and I got some cool shots of the fountain at night. I'm trying to put them up but I'm not having any luck thus far!


At Wednesday, March 08, 2006 3:10:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous sayeth thus:

yes, my sister, i am indeed going back in time and looking at all of your old blogs! and then, to my delight, i find an entry about that "old man" that you've told me about. anyway, it made me laugh, and i guess that's success when it comes to me.

Pippi Curbside


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