Thursday, November 15, 2007

the internet is no cure for boredom

sorry it's been so long since i posted...that last one took every ounce of writing energy i had, and then i had to borrow from the future. so here is something that i promise will not challenge you, make you think, or take the weekend to read through.

i usually have a lot of time on my hands every day, when i have little to do but explore the internet. i recently concluded that the internet is not updated as often as i would like, because i have a very brief attention span and because sometimes i look for updates to things every minute. so i want you, faithful readers, to suggest cool things for me to view on the internet...that are never the same twice. or at least, are frequently updated.

i have this dull little menu of pages to visit every day. it goes something like this, but not in any particular order. facebook, asyetunnamed, boundless, the drudge report, fox or cnn (if i feel like reading news), various photography sites, christianity today, and friends' blogs. needless to say, there's not a minute-by-minute update on most of those sites. i just get this ADD thing going where i need a new page every few seconds or i will get bored. i don't think it's healthy, but i also don't know how to make it go away. (internet ADD is quite similar to radio ADD, which i also suffer from.)

i'm not saying everything is boring, but i need some new material that will always be new. YouTube and TV shows are generally out, as i can't sit at work with headphones in all day (on most days). any suggestions to help cure the boredom?


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